
Summer Dream

I see a day where pink roses blossoms on a wild bushes,
I see a day that I’ll come to conquer the wavy seas,
I see a day where sunny days are shiny and brighter than of today,
I see a day where hearts collide in the 11th hour of May.

I see a day which a witch has chosen by Prince,
I see a day that fairytales happen in any other means,
I see a day where I can jump off a castle and escaped reality,
I see a day where hearts endeavors nothing but fantasy.

I see a day on which birds do fly above my head,
I see a day where butterflies sip only on roses red,
I see a day of dusk but mallows on a hay,
I see a day where I’ll put my hat above my face to where I lay.

I see a day where dreams come true,
I see a day where no one is blue,
I see a day where the yellow sunshine screams,
I see a day of a lover in a summer dream.
