I’ll Never Stop Loving Her

bottled emotions.. oh what a lovely poet you are

Wounded Memories

I’ll never stop
Loving her
But I will stop
Pretending love
Is enough
In this cold world

I’ll never stop
Loving her
But I will stop
Letting her
Push me off
This painful ledge

I’ll never stop
Loving her
But I will stop
Waiting here
For messages
That never come

I’ll never stop
Loving her
But I will stop
Playing games
That no one
Will ever win

I’ll never stop
Loving her
But I will stop
Thinking that
There is a future

I’ll never stop
Loving her
And maybe
Someday I’ll stop
Telling myself lies
About the things I will stop

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Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and Literature

Creative Writing with the Crimson League

How can we juggle a triple search for truth, beauty, and goodness in our fiction? How can we juggle a triple search for truth, beauty, and goodness in our fiction?

Truth. Beauty. Goodness. Who would turn those things down?

I was watching a YouTube lecture recent by Dr. Peter Kreeft, who teaches philosophy at Boston College. And I thought he was dead on when he said that the three ultimates, the three things we all strive and search for always as human beings, are truth, beauty, and goodness.

I got to thinking afterward, how does this statement affect fiction? What we like or dislike about certain books? What role do truth, beauty, and fiction play in determining what we read and how we rate what we read?

I think we find the universal human affirmation of truth, beauty, and goodness reflected in our taste for fiction in a very real way.

Truth? We all want verisimilitude in fiction. We want stories with characters who are…

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