What is LOVE?

For everyone who can see this post, why not try to share your notions about your concept of LOVE?

I will truly appreciate it. THANKS 🙂 ❤

2 thoughts on “What is LOVE?

  1. I think love is commitment and sacrifice. Laying down your life for another. Relationships are hard work. You have to really love someone to hang in there through thick and thin. Love is patient, love is kind, it is not easily angered………..1 Cor. 13


  2. There is more then one definition of love, I dont mean the books or what people said, but the kinds which you can feel. Its like you are decomposing, losing everything, but you feel like the whole universe is moving like a river through you giving you feelings science, religion and what not can’t explain. And you would do anything for that other person.


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