
Every word, every look, everything unintentional and meaningless fanned the flames.
Wasn’t love supposed to be a brilliant consuming?
If then, is this not love?

Keyboard Crasher

Unabridged“How could we have stood there so close together with our hearts so far apart?

I felt the strain in my chest, but I knew not what to do about it.

I let the feeling engulf me and I studied it.

Was that what a broken heart felt like?

But isn’t breaking a sudden crash into a million tiny pieces?

A sudden piercing pain?

But that was not it.

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Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
1 John 4:7-8 NIV

Keyboard Crasher

“When?” She asked one night. “When will it be my turn to fall in love?”
“Anytime. Even now.” He whispered, but she didn’t hear.
Another night, she watched as others walked in twos as she trailed along crowds not knowing he always matched his steps with hers.

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